Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tubing Pics!!

Look at us go. Ride em cowgirl!!!!

Giving last minute instructions before going out.

Possum in a western saddle. Take a good look because it only happens once in a great great while.


Anonymous said...

What a good pony you have!

ezra_pandora said...

What a good boy. I think my older mare would do that, if we were ever allowed to ride out in the snow, and I've thought several times how fun it would be to pull the boys on a sled.

cdncowgirl said...

That must have been so much fun!
Kimfer's dad pulled her on the tube using the quad last year... he whipped it around and she flew off almost hitting the shop :O
She said she'd only do it again if he used Rainy (his TWH gelding) instead of the quad! lol

Unknown said...

Senior Possum looks good in a western saddle. Glad you back!

Glad I'm back too - mannnn I can only handle so much sad familyness stuff.

Laura said...

Those pictures are great! That Possum is quite the trooper...lol He looks good in a western saddle, but I like him in his english tack too.

Hope things on the guy front work out for you. Greg sounds like a good guy - it is hard to be patient though. I missed commenting on your last post...

Leah Fry said...

He is such a good boy!

Glad you have a western saddle. You never know, you might win the bridle and reins! I think Possum would look great!