Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just relaxing

So it's Tuesday evening and all is quiet. I actually made my own dinner tonight, cleaned up and am now sipping on hard cider, my favorite adult beverage. I have been in a cleaning mood lately. The other day at the barn I decided to tackle my mess of a tack trunk and try and organize everything now that it's deep into spring and show season is under way. I actually decided to take notice of all of the things I have and it's startling. I am a saddle pad whore, literally. I love to collect saddle pads. Because I marshall the races in the fall I am always looking for colored pads to match outfits and such. I have mint green pads, lots of white pads both square and fittted. Pink, brown, green, plaid, blue and others. I actually took a count and there is 22 in total!!! Because I marshall the races I also have lots of polo wraps. Purple, pink, white, black, green and red. Ofcourse every one was not wrapped so I sat down and wrapped them all and put them in their place. I put my collection of bits in a spot as well that is easily accessible. Then folded all of my sheets and blankets, quarter sheets and coolers and placed them in the trunk. I organized my horse shampoos and supplies. Got out bug nets and put them on top to grab when I need and also rain sheets near the top. Bits of leather pieces such as standing and running martingales, lead shanks, his nice leather halter and spare leads all went to the bottom. Lastly I put all of Possum's boots together. Splint boots, galloping boots and open front jumping boots and shipping boots. Man do I have a lot of stuff, you would think that I own a whole herd of horses instead of one rescue appy. I swept up my space, got out all of my liquids such as Show Sheen, bug spray, saddle soap and conditioner and put them on the shelf above my saddle. I think I'm finally ready for the summer. Any bets on how long my space will stay neat hahaha.

Next I've been cleaning at home. My room has slowly become a mountain of clean and dirty clothes and old mail. I weeded everything out today, Washed and folded all of my clothes and towels, washed my bedding and put it all back together. Washed the surfaces in my room and threw out all the trash. Lastly I vacuumed everything. Sometimes I feel better when my things are clean and organized. I can let it go for a while and then I have these cleaning sprees and just have to get it done.

I'm not going to the barn to ride tonight. The weather is really crappy this week and Possum had a little swelling on his right front foreleg that I'm not sure how it happened. The person that feeds said that he and a mare got into it a little the other day and he may have stepped wrong or bumped something with it. It's not a big deal but it is a little puffy and slightly warm to the touch in one spot so I don't want to push it.

Not a whole lot else is going on. I pretty sure I'm going to bed early tonight since my new friend and I have been hanging out a lot and we get to talking and never go to bed, it's kinda nice but it's catching up with me now. Ofcourse no word from Greg, which I expect. My new friend knows Greg a little and has been great in giving me advice from a guy's perspective. It was also nice to hear him say last night that Greg definately passed up on a cool girl. I'm actually just starting to believe that myself now.

Gonna try and ride tomorrow night as long as Possum's leg is all better. Just going to work on the flat and get back to some basics and maybe work on some flying changes. My roomie also just bought a new camera so hopefully will have more pics to post soon which will be cool.


Leah Fry said...

I'll be looking forward to more pix of you and your handsome boy. I know you prefer plain bays, but I think Possum is a looker. I'm a sucker for spots.

I have been doing the same thing during our intermittent crappy weather. I actually steamed my tile floors on Monday. It's so easy to let stuff go when the weather's nice and you're off to play with ponies. Still on my list: dust ceiling fans, blinds (ugh), and baseboards. On any given day I can usually think of something I'd rather do than clean, but sometimes things get so bad, I almost enjoy it.

Rebecca White said...

You and I are so much alike. I spent Monday cleaning up the mountain from the weekend's show. My entire apartment is a disaster since I was super busy the week and a half BEFORE the show. I tend be lax and then go on cleaning sprees too, especially when I should really be doing something else like grading or designing for work. Just sometimes I can stand the clutter and other times I need a 100% tidy space. It's my way of clearing my head. I think pretty well when I'm cleaning/organizing.

I'm glad to hear you're distancing yourself from he-who-must-not-be-named. Eventually you'll forget why you even bothered with him in the first place. You go girl.

Unknown said...

Saddle pad whore huh? I would be I think if the western show blankets where so danged expensive. Everyone will know if I every come across money - because my house will suddenly be overrun with western show blankets.

Another than that - there is not a whole that I have too much of in the way of tack.

You are doing the things I should be doing, but I have been just so darned exhausted this past week and my back is just giving me fits - so I have been house bound this week.